MSP430F169 Microcontroller

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MSP430F169 Microcontroller

MSP430F169 Overview

The MSP430F169 Microcontroller is one of the Texas Instruments MSP430 family. It comprises multiple devices that feature distinct sets of peripherals designed for diverse applications. The architecture of these microcontrollers, coupled with five low power modes, has been fine-tuned to optimize extended battery life for portable measurement applications. Moreover, the digitally controlled oscillator (DCO) enables quick wake-up times of less than 6 µs from low-power modes to active mode.

These microcontrollers find typical applications in sensor systems, industrial control applications, hand-held meters, and other similar domains.


  • Low power consumption;
  • Five power-saving modes;
  • Three-channel internal DMA;
  • Serial onboard programming;
  • Programmable code protection by security fuse;
  • With brownout detector and bootstrap loader;
  • Supply voltage monitor with programmable level detection.

Pinout Configuration

The MSP430F169 is actually available in both 64-pin and 100-pin versions, with different pin configurations for each.

For the 64-pin version, some key pins include:

Pin TypesPin NameDescription
Power Supply PinsVCCPositive supply voltage input
RST/NMIReset input and non-maskable interrupt
TESTTest mode input/output
AVSS/AVCCGround and voltage reference for ADC
DVSS/DVCCGround and voltage reference for digital circuitry
Input/Output PinsP1.x-P8.xGeneral-purpose I/O pins
Communication PinsUCA0CLKUSART module A0 clock input/output
UCA0STEUSART module A0 STE input/output
UCA0TXDUSART module A0 transmit data output
UCA0RXDUSART module A0 receive data input
UCB0CLKSPI module B0 clock input/output
UCB0STESPI module B0 STE input/output
UCB0SIMOSPI module B0 transmit data output
UCB0SOMISPI module B0 receive data input
UCB0SDAI2C module B0 data input/output
UCB0SCLI2C module B0 clock input/output
Timers and CountersTA0CCR0-TA0CCR6Timer A0 capture/compare register 0-6
Timer A0 control register
TB0CCR0-TB0CCR2Timer B0 capture/compare register 0-2
Timer B0 control register
Analog PinsADC12CLKADC12 clock input
ADC12MEM0-ADC12MEM15ADC12 memory register 0-15
AVREF+Positive reference voltage input for ADC
AVREF-Negative reference voltage input for ADC
JTAG PinsTCLKTest clock input/output
TDITest data input
TDOTest data output
Special Function PinsACLK32.768 kHz crystal oscillator input
SMCLKSystem master clock output
RTCCLKReal-time clock input/output
MSP430F169 Pinout


CPU16-bit RISC
Frequency8 MHz
Flash memory16 KB
Standby power1.1 µA
Active power330 µA at 1 MHz, 2.2 V
Wake-up timein less than 6 µs
Instruction cycle time125 ns
Supply voltage1.8 V to 3.6 V
A/D converter12-bit
Timer/Counter2 * 16-bit
Operating Temp-40 to 85 ℃
Peripheralstimers, serial ports, I2C
Package64-pin QFP or 64-pin QFN

Clock System of MSP430F169

The clock system is very important to the single-chip microcomputer. The reason why the MSP430F169 single-chip microcomputer has such a low power consumption is because it has a powerful clock system!

Clock Block Diagram MSP430F169

Three clock signal sources

1. Low frequency LFXT1CLK (32.768KHz)

Standard crystal oscillator, oscillator or external clock source can be used to input 4MHz~32MHz. XT1CLK can be used as a reference clock for the internal FLL module.

The low-frequency crystal oscillator (32.768KHz) is directly connected to the single-chip microcomputer through the XIN and XOUT pins, and no other external devices are required (there is a 12pF load capacitance inside). At this time, the LFXT1 oscillator works in low frequency mode (XTS=0).

If the MCU is connected with a high-speed bulk oscillator or resonator, 0SCOFF=0 can make the LFXT1 oscillator work in high-frequency mode (XTS=1). At this time, the high-speed crystal oscillator or resonator is connected through the XIN and XOUT pins, and an external capacitor is required. The size of the capacitor is selected according to the characteristics of the crystal oscillator or resonator.

If the LFXT1CLK signal is not used as the SMCLK or MCIK signal, the software can set OSCOFF=1 to disable the LFXT1 from working, thereby reducing the power consumption of the microcontroller.


XTS(BIT6)——LFXT1 high/low speed mode selection. 0: LFXT1 works in low-speed crystal oscillator mode (default); 1: LFXT1 works in high-speed crystal oscillator mode.

2. High frequency XT2CLK (8MHz)

Standard crystal oscillator, oscillator or external clock source can be used to input 4MHz~32MHz.

The XT2 oscillator generates the XT2CLK clock signal, and its working characteristics are similar to those of the LFXT1 oscillator when it works in high frequency mode. If XT2CLK is not used as the MCLK and SMCLK clock signal, the XT2 oscillator can be disabled with control bit XT2OFF.


XT2OFF (BIT7) – XT2 high-speed crystal oscillator control. 0: XT2 high-speed crystal oscillator on; 1: XT2 high-speed crystal oscillator off.

3. Internal oscillator DCOCLK (1MHz)

Stabilized by the FLL module.

When the oscillator fails, DCO will be automatically selected as the clock source for MCLK.

The frequency of the DCO oscillator can be adjusted by software setting the DCOx. MODx and RSEL.x bits. When the DCOCLK signal is not used as the SMCLK and MCLK clock signal, the DC generator can be disabled with the control bit SCGO.

After the PUC signal, DCOCLK is automatically selected as the MCLK clock signal, and the clock source of MCLK can be additionally set to LFXT1 or XT2 as required. The setup sequence is as follows:

  1. Let OSCOFF=1;
  2. Let OFIFG=0;
  3. Delay and wait at least 50ps;
  4. Check OFIFG again, if OFIFG=1, repeat steps (3) and (4) until OFIFG=0.


DCOx (BIT7, BIT6, BIT5)——DCO frequency selection, 8 kinds of frequencies can be selected, and the DCOCLK frequency can be adjusted in sections. The frequency selection is based on the frequency band selected by RSELx. The relationship between DCOx, RSELx and the internal clock is as follows:

Relationship between DCOx, RSELx and the Internal Clock

MODx (BIT4, BIT3, BIT2, BIT1, BIT0) – DAC modulator setting. The control switches the two frequencies selected by DCOx and DCOx+1 to fine-tune the output frequency of the DCO. If the DCOx constant is 7, it means that the highest frequency has been selected. At this time, MODx is invalid and cannot be used for frequency adjustment.


RSELx (BIT2, BIT1, BIT0) – the frequency band selection of the DCO oscillator, these 3 bits control an internal resistance to determine the nominal frequency. 0: Select the lowest nominal frequency… 7: Select the highest nominal frequency.


DCOR(BIT0)——Select DCO oscillator resistance. 0: internal resistance; 1: external resistance.

Three clock sources

1. ACLK auxiliary clock

ACLK is obtained after LFXT1CLK is divided by 1, 2, 4, and 8. It can be used as the clock signal of each peripheral module and is generally used for low-speed peripherals.


DIVAx (BIT5, BIT4)——ACLK frequency division selection, the frequency division selection relationship is as follows:

Frequency Divider for ACLK

Macro definition: DIVA_0 (1 frequency division/no frequency division), DIVA_1 (2 frequency division), DIVA_2 (4 frequency division), DIVA_3 (8 frequency division)

2. MCLK system main clock

MCLK can be obtained from LFXT1CLK, XT2CLK, and DCOCLK after frequency division by 1, 2, 4, and 8. It is often used for CPU operation, program execution, and other modules that use high-speed clocks.


SELMx (BIT7, BIT6) – select the MCLK clock source, the clock selection relationship is as follows:

Select MCLK Clock Source

Macro definition: SELM_0 (DCOCLK default), SELM_1 (DCOCLK), SELM_2 (XT2CLK), SELM_3 (LFXT1CLK)

DIVMx (BIT5, BIT4) – MCLK frequency division selection, the frequency division selection relationship is as follows:

Frequency Divider for MCLK

Macro definition: DIVM_0 (1 frequency division/no frequency division), DIVM_1 (2 frequency division), DIVM_2 (4 frequency division), DIVM_3 (8 frequency division)

3. SMCLK subsystem clock

SMCLK can be obtained by frequency division of XT2CLK and DCOCLK by 1, 2, 4, and 8, and is often used in high-speed peripheral modules.


SELSx (BIT3) – select the MCLK clock source, the clock selection relationship is as follows:

Select SMCLK Clock Source

DIVSx (BIT2, BIT1) – SMCLK frequency division selection, the frequency division selection relationship is as follows:

Frequency Divider for SMCLK

Macro definition: DIVS_0 (1 frequency division/no frequency division), DIVS_1 (2 frequency division), DIVS_2 (4 frequency division), DIVS_3 (8 frequency division)


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Picture of Aidan Taylor
Aidan Taylor

I am Aidan Taylor and I have over 10 years of experience in the field of PCB Reverse Engineering, PCB design and IC Unlock.

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