Getting Started with STM32L432: Overview, Specifications, Applications, and GPIO Control Example

Table of Contents

STM32L432 Overview

The STM32L432 is an ultra-low-power microcontroller developed by STMicroelectronics. It is based on the ARM Cortex-M4 core and is designed for energy-efficient embedded systems. Combining powerful computational capabilities with low power consumption, it is ideal for IoT devices and portable applications.


The STM32L432 series offers the following key technical features:

  • Processor Core:

    • ARM Cortex-M4 32-bit RISC processor
    • Runs at up to 80 MHz with single-cycle multiply and hardware division support
    • Integrated Floating Point Unit (FPU) and Digital Signal Processing (DSP) instructions
  • Memory:

    • 256 KB Flash (on-chip programmable memory)
    • 64 KB SRAM
    • Support for external memory expansion
  • Low-Power Features:

    • Multiple low-power modes: Sleep, Stop, and Standby
    • Dynamic power consumption: only 37 µA/MHz at 80 MHz operation
    • Stop mode current: approximately 250 nA
    • Wide voltage range: 1.8V to 3.6V with built-in power management
  • Interfaces and Peripherals:

    • GPIO: Up to 51 general-purpose input/output pins
    • Communication interfaces: USART/UART, I2C, SPI, CAN, USB 2.0 (Full Speed)
    • Timers: General-purpose, low-power, and advanced timers (PWM output)
    • ADC/DAC: 12-bit ADC (16 channels) and 12-bit DAC
    • Built-in oscillator and real-time clock (RTC) support
  • Package Options:

    • Available in various packages (e.g., LQFP, UFBGA, WLCSP) to suit different size requirements.


Thanks to its low power consumption and high performance, the STM32L432 is widely used in the following fields:

  • IoT Devices:

    • Smart home systems (e.g., smart locks, temperature and humidity sensors)
    • Wearable devices (e.g., fitness trackers, health monitoring equipment)
  • Industrial Control:

    • Data acquisition and control systems
    • Smart meters and sensor nodes
  • Portable Devices:

    • Battery-operated devices (e.g., portable medical instruments)
    • Low-power displays (e.g., e-ink screen controllers)
  • Consumer Electronics:

    • Toys and robotics
    • Smart remote controllers
  • Security and Encryption Applications:

    • Hardware AES encryption support for secure communication


  • Low Power Design: Ideal for battery-powered devices requiring extended operational lifetimes.
  • Cost-Effective: Provides excellent performance at a competitive price point.
  • Robust Development Ecosystem: Supported by STM32CubeMX, STM32CubeIDE, and a comprehensive suite of libraries and tools from ST.
  • Reliability: Industrial-grade design, with high temperature tolerance and wide operating voltage range.

GPIO Control Using NUCLEO-L432KC Board

In this example, we’ll introduce the principles of the LED circuit on the STM32L432KC board, create a new project using STM32CubeMX, and master programming techniques to achieve LED blinking.

NUCLEO L432KC board STM32L432KCU6
NUCLEO-L432KC board STM32L432KCU6

Required Materials

  • NUCLEO-L432KC development board
  • USB cable for power and communication
  • LED (if external LED is needed)
  • Resistor (e.g., 220Ω for external LED)
  • STM32CubeMX software
  • Development environment such as MDK5 (Keil) or STM32CubeIDE

Step1: Create a New Project Using STM32CubeMX

At first, please select the STM32L432KC MCU and create a new STM32CubeMX project.

Create a new project from MCU STM32L432KC
Create a new project from MCU STM32L432KC

Next, we configure the oscillator for STM32L432KC. From the schematic, the external low-speed crystal oscillator is connected to PC14 and PC15. Configure these GPIOs in “Crystal/Ceramic Resonator” mode.

Configuration crystal ceramic resonator
Configuration crystal ceramic resonator

Explanation of Oscillator Modes:

BYPASS Clock Source: The chip bypasses the internal clock-driving component and directly uses an external clock signal.

Crystal/Ceramic Resonator: Utilizes an external passive crystal combined with the MCU's internal clock-driving circuit, offering higher precision but requiring startup time.

Configure the GPIO for the LED. Set PB3 as “GPIO_Output” mode with the following parameters:

  • Push-pull output
  • Default low-level output (LED off initially)
  • No pull-up or pull-down resistors

Configure the clock. For simplicity, set the system clock to 80 MHz, allowing STM32CubeMX to auto-configure the required settings.

Clock configuration 80 MHz
Clock configuration 80 MHz

Set code generation preferences in the Project interface:

  • Name the project and select the development tool (e.g., MDK5).
  • Enable “Generate peripheral initialization as a…” to create separate .c files for peripherals (e.g., GPIO, I2C, SPI).
STM32CubeMX project settings name location toolchain IDE
STM32CubeMX project settings (name, location, toolchain IDE)
Setting code generator on STM32CubeMX
Setting code generator on STM32CubeMX

After setting all the project options, we can generate the project. If it’s the frist time you use the STM32CubeMX, you need to download the software packages as below:

Download stm32cube software package
Download stm32cube software package

Next, keep on code generation, and after successful generation, open the project folder.

Successfully generated stm32l432kc project code
Successfully generated stm32l432kc project code

The folder will contain both STM32CubeMX and MDK5 project files, allowing convenient modifications in STM32CubeMX. Now we can launch the “NUCLEO-L432KC(LED_Blinking)” project under MDK-ARM folder.

STM32CubeMX project folder
STM32CubeMX project folder

Step2: Write LED Blinking Code

Locate the required functions in STM32 HAL files:

  • HAL_GPIO_TogglePin() and HAL_GPIO_WritePin() in stm32l4xx_hal_def.h.
  • HAL_Delay() in stm32l4xx_hal.h.

Implement the below code to blink the LED every 2 seconds:

Add led blinking code to main.c file
Add led blinking code to main.c file
while (1)
  // Method 1: Using HAL_GPIO_TogglePin()

  // Method 2: Using HAL_GPIO_WritePin()
  HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_3, GPIO_PIN_RESET); // Turn off for 2 seconds
  HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_3, GPIO_PIN_SET);   // Turn on for 2 seconds


Compile the code and ensure there are no errors.

Rebuild all target files for project NUCLEO L432KCLED Blinking
Rebuild all target files for project NUCLEO-L432KC(LED_Blinking)

Step3: Configure Flashing Parameters

The NUCLEO-L432KC board has an integrated STLINK/V2-1 debugger and programmer.

  • Configure the project to use ST-LINK for downloading.
  • Set the flashing parameters as shown in the STM32CubeMX interface, then download the program.
Configure target options and download program for NUCLEO L432KC LED Blinking
Configure target options and download program for NUCLEO-L432KC (LED_Blinking)

Step4: Flash the Program

Flash the compiled program onto the NUCLEO-L432KC board and observe the LED blinking.

Download code to flash memory
Download code to flash memory


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About Author

Picture of Aidan Taylor
Aidan Taylor

I am Aidan Taylor and I have over 10 years of experience in the field of PCB Reverse Engineering, PCB design and IC Unlock.

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