STC15W104 Microcontroller

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STC15W104 Microcontroller

STC15W104 refers to a microcontroller chip manufactured by STC Microelectronics. This chip is commonly used in various electronic devices and projects to control and manage input/output operations. The STC15W104 offers a wide range of features and functionalities, making it a popular choice among engineers and hobbyists. It is based on the 8051 core architecture, offering a clock speed of up to 12 MHz and a memory capacity of 4 KB. The chip also supports multiple communication interfaces, such as SPI and UART, and has a built-in ADC module for analog signal processing. Overall, the STC15W104 provides a powerful and flexible solution for implementing control systems in electronic applications.

STC15W104 Features

  • Enhanced 8051 CPU, 1T single clock/machine cycle
  • With power indicator light
  • Plug and unplug headers
  • In-system programmable/in-application programmable
  • Support pin header power supply and download port power supply
  • Can communicate with TTL
  • All IO ports lead out
  • Programmable clock output function
  • Stable and reliable work, strong anti-interference ability
  • With power anti-reverse protection
  • Support TTL download
  • Hardware watchdog (WDT)
  • 51 microcontroller core, C language programming
  • Keil C development environment

STC15W104 Specifications

Operating Voltage2.5V - 5.5V
Operating Frequency Range5MHz ~ 35MHz
Flash1K/2K/3K/4K/5K/7K bytes
SRAM128 bytes
Timer/Counter2 timer/counter (T0/T2)
I/O port6 general-purpose I/O ports
Programming methodISP/IAP
Operating Temperature Range-40 ~ +85°C (Industrial) / 0 ~ 75°C (Commercial)
PackageSOP-8, DIP-8, DFN-8

STC15W104 Schematic

STC15W104 Schematic Diagram
STC15W104 Schematic Diagram

STC15W104 Pin Connections

(Image Credit: componentsearchengine)
1P30I/O PortPrimary I/O Port P3.0
2P31I/O PortPrimary I/O Port P3.1
3P32I/O PortPrimary I/O Port P3.2
4P33I/O PortPrimary I/O Port P3.3
5P34I/O PortPrimary I/O Port P3.4
65V+Power Supply5V Power Supply Input/Output
7P35I/O PortPrimary I/O Port P3.5
8GNDPower GroundPower Supply Ground (Negative)
9GNDExternal Power GroundExternal Power Supply Ground (Negative)
10VCCExternal Power Supply PositiveExternal Power Supply Voltage DC6~15V

STC15W104 Size

STC15W104 Size
STC15W104 Size

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Picture of Aidan Taylor
Aidan Taylor

I am Aidan Taylor and I have over 10 years of experience in the field of PCB Reverse Engineering, PCB design and IC Unlock.

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